“What? Are you nuts? Running SuSE 8.2 Linux Professional on a
150 Mhz Pentium? That will never work.“That’s exactly what I did do and it did work, admirably.
“SuSE 8.2 Linux Professional has many great features and is easy
to get up and running. Most of the readers probably have more
current hardware, but isn’t it comforting to know that the latest
and greatest offering from SuSE will run well on just about
anything you have in your company? That should calm the frayed
nerves of any CIO, in this day of stingy budgets and a tight
business environment.“Speaking of budgets, let’s not forget that the SuSE 8.2
Professional version costs $79.95 at the SuSE store online. With no
licensing headaches. It includes: the 2.4.20 kernel, KDE 3.1, Gnome
2.2, OpenOffice.org 1.0.2, Apache 2.0.44, desktop sharing, and a
whole host of other enhancements over previous versions. The SuSE
installation program YAST2 has been upgraded considerably with
intelligent default values and clean, coherent user interface
LinuxPlanet: SuSE Linux Demonstrates Old PCs Still Have Use
Rob Reilly
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