
LinuxPower.org: A Review of Caldera’s Linux CBT

“According to the back of the box, I should get the information
needed to do an install of Linux, login, use some of the various
parts of KDE, get help, and shutdown properly in about an hour of
going through the product. … Looking at the short sheet of
technical notes, I see at the bottom a note describing use under
non-Caldera Linux distributions. Unfortunately, these instructions
are horrible.”

“Undaunted, I loaded up netscape and took a look at the
start.html file in the root of the cdrom and it detected that I
didn’t have Flash installed. Unfortunately, although it gives a
link to get Flash for a Windows machine, it does not include such a
link for Linux. Luckily, the technical note does again help out and
give a URL that you can supposedly visit to get a copy of Flash for
Linux but once again, it’s not quite right.”

“The first thing I noticed was the ease of navigation and
use of the product once you get it going. This is pretty important
as a training product must be easy to use to be effective.
starts off with basic instructions on how to go through the
tutorial… The next section is an introduction to what is required
when preparing to install Linux (specifically OpenLinux). The major
part of this section is an overview of what partitioning…”


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