
LinuxPR: Penguin Computing Appoints John Page as Chief Financial Officer

“Fast-Growing Linux Server Vendor Attracts Seasoned Financial
Professional from Agilent, Hewlett-Packard.”

“Penguin Computing Inc., a San Francisco, Calif.-based provider
of reliable Linux systems for Internet serving, today announced
that John P. Page has joined the company as chief financial
officer. Page, a veteran of Agilent Technologies Inc. and
Hewlett-Packard Co., brings to Penguin Computing more than a decade
of financial management of fast-growing high-tech operations.
Page’s hiring follows closely on the announcement last week of the
appointment of Marty Seyer, a veteran of high-level positions at
NCR and Dell Computers, as the company’s president and CEO.”

“Page, as the company’s first chief financial officer, will be
responsible for all aspects of the company’s financial affairs and
information technology. These responsibilities include building the
corporate infrastructure to effectively manage Penguin Computing’s
continued rapid growth, and managing relationships with investors
and the financial community.”


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