“Distribution Deal Supports Growing Retail Demand for SuSE
“Citing a rising public demand for its latest version of Linux,
SuSE Inc. partnered with Ingram Micro Inc., the world’s largest
wholesale provider of technology products and services, to deliver
SuSE’s line of Linux software products to top North American
software retailers. The one-year renewable agreement is effective
immediately and includes SuSE Linux CD and DVD versions for the
Intel platform, Alpha, and the future release of a version for
“All SuSE products sold through Ingram Micro’s retail channels
will carry SuSE’s highly recognized product support and customer
guarantees. “About 70% of our $22 million 1999 revenue was from
sales of our boxed products,” said Volker Wiegand, CEO of SuSE Inc.
in the US. “Last year’s US revenues were up 350% and, with demand
continuing to rise, this partnership with Ingram Micro is key to
our being able to get our SuSE Linux to millions of users. With its
huge distribution network, Ingram Micro is the perfect partner for