“On Sept 20th 8pm (PST), In Search of New Media, a VFS Live production will be airing a
live streamed interview with JD “Illiad” Frazer and WebDiva of
UserFriendly.org. Frazer was recently named one of the top 50 most
influential people in the Linux movement by Linux Magazine.”
“In preparation for the interview In Search of New Media is
asking readers of UserFriendly.org to submit the questions they
would like to see asked during the interview. The top 10 questions
submitted will be asked by our hosts during the show. Questions may
be submitted to vfslive@vfs.com“
“Viewers can tune into our show at 8pm (PST) on Sept 20th
via our website (www.vfslive.com) and they can also
particpate in the interview by logging into our chatroom where
additional questions will be asked.”