GLUE---Groups of Linux Users Everywhere announces the newest benefit for groups who join. By popular demand and in conjunction with Red Hat, SSC and Linux Journal's GLUE program is making available Red Hat 5.2 (Intel)! This is the latest addition to the membership package GLUE sends out to our new LUGs members. Some of the other benefits include: the BRU 2000 backup and restore utility, Caldera OpenLinux Lite, and TCL Blast! We provide free listings for all LUGs at our web site, where you can also: see the complete list of the GLUE benefits; find information and resources for Linux User Groups; check to see if there is a LUG in your area; post to the Users Seeking Groups part of the listings pages; or check to see that there is an accurate listing for your LUG. Please contact me if you have any questions. Clarica Grove, Groups of Linux Users Everywhere LINKS: Linux Journal: GLUE: Red Hat: - -- Groups of Linux Users Everywhere *
LUGs joining GLUE get new benefit–Red Hat!
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