“Last night was the deadline for filing appeals to the adoption
of OOXML by ISO/IEC JTC 1. This morning, a spokesman for the IEC
acknowledged the receipt of a total of three appeals by the
deadline, with the third and final appeal being filed by India, as
reported by Peter Sayers, of the IDG News Service. I have no news
as yet whether the fourth country that planned to file an appeal
has decided not to do so, missed the deadline, or sent its letter
only to ISO (Peter reports that an ISO spokesman declined to
confirm how many appeals it has received at this time. The deadline
date is a matter of some confusion, as some National Bodies were
under the impression that the deadline was June 2, so it remains
possible that a fourth appeal will (or already has been)
received.“In other technicality news, the IEC spokesman noted that the
Brazil letter had been improperly addressed–duplicate copies
should have been sent to the CEOs of both the IEC and ISO–but that
this technical irregularity would be waived…”