[ Thanks to Phil
Lavigna for this link. ]
*********************************************************************** Issue #68, Thursday, 14 November 2002 Welcome to the Mandrake Linux Community Newsletter -- dedicated to keeping you up-to-date with the latest Mandrake-related news & info. *********************************************************************** In this issue: * Top Story: 9.0 Packs are Shipping * What's Cookin' at MandrakeSoft: Advanced Extranet Server * MandrakeClub: Multilingual Forums * Business Case of the Week: Alpha Informatique Réunion * Website Watch: Three new Mandrake-related websites * Software Updates: perl-MailTools, nss_ldap, printer-drivers * Headlines from MandrakeForum Top Story ---------------------------------------- 9.0 Packs are shipping. The Mandrake Linux 9.0 Packs began shipping last week from MandrakeStore. If you pre-ordered a 9.0 Pack, it should soon be in your mailbox if it hasn't arrived already. If you haven't yet placed an order, stop by MandrakeStore today and purchase an official ProSuite, PowerPack, or Standard Edition. Remember, ordering a Pack at MandrakeStore is an excellent way to boost Mandrake Linux development and support your favorite distribution. See MandrakeStore for product details. What's Cookin' at MandrakeSoft ---------------------------------------- More than 100,000 Advanced Extranet servers! Deno checked out the latest Netcraft survey and noticed that MandrakeSoft's "Advanced Extranet Server" (an optimized version of the Apache webserver) continues to grow at an astonishing rate. While the overall number of web servers on the Internet is declining, the number of Advanced Extranet servers grew by 140% between October 2001 and October 2002. Jean-Michel Dault, the chief developer of ADVX, reports that his work schedule has been cleared so that he can focus entirely on ADVX -- so plan on seeing much more development action soon. He also adds that more people are needed to test Java support. For all the latest ADVX news and updates, plus community and support lists, stop by the project website. MandrakeClub ---------------------------------------- MandrakeClub Forums. As you may (or may not) know, MandrakeClub hosts a series of forums that are enjoying growing popularity. Participate in discussions such as: the Future direction of MandrakeClub; RPM requests & testing; Troubleshooting for the PC and PPC distributions; and a "Third party" category for discussing Club discounts on third-party products. Plus, great news for everyone who isn't a native English speaker: the MandrakeClub forums are now multilingual. Post comments in your native language and anyone who understands the language can join the discussion. Finally, "last call" for those who want to take advantage of MandrakeClub's special discount on Transgaming WineX and Kohan games: Kohan - Immortal Sovereigns; Kohan - Ahriman's Gift; and Kohan - Special Awards Edition; plus one free month of Transgaming membership. Offer expires November 16th. Not yet a Mandrake Club member? To learn more, please visit: http://mandrakelinux.com/en/club/ Business Case of the Week ---------------------------------------- At Alpha Informatique Réunion, everybody is enthusiastic and impressed. Soon after Philippe Amiot began his new job at Alpha Informatique Réunion, the company chose Mandrake Linux for firewalling, backup server, LAN manager, email, web (apache+php), database (mysql), DNS, DHCP... the works! He proudly reports that everyone "is enthusiastic and impressed with the power of the [latest] Mandrake Linux." What's your experience with Mandrake Linux in the workplace? Submit a BizCase and share your story with others. Website Watch ---------------------------------------- Several interesting Mandrake-related websites have been recently spotted, including: Desktop Mandrake -- Bringing Mandrake Linux to a desktop near you. Australia's Matthew Hoare puts a lot of energy in his website to show the world how he progressed from using Linux as a novelty to using it productively. Many nice Linux tutorials are available on topics such as CD Burning; StarCraft and Quake III Arena; Setting Up The Office; nVidia Drivers, plus lots more. Nice job Matthew. MDKXP -- The Mandrake eXPerience. If you're looking for easy-to-read tutorials on many Mandrake-related topics, 'The Mandrake eXPerience' is a great place to look. Dana offers over 30 different "quickies" to help make your desktop experience more fun and productive. trylinuxSD.com -- Browsing the Web with Mozilla in Mandrake 9.0. This new graphical tutorial offers 44 pages to help you get started with the Mozilla web browser, including: * Customizing Mozilla's preferences * Working with tabs * Applying themes * Using Acrobat Reader, FlashPlayer, RealPlayer, Shoutcast Software Updates ---------------------------------------- 9.0 software updates have been released for: * perl-MailTools -- fixes arbitrary command execution vulnerabilities * nss_ldap -- fixes buffer and format string vulnerabilities * printer-drivers -- fixes ghostscript cups driver omission View the complete list at MandrakeSecure.net. Headlines from MandrakeForum ---------------------------------------- 3D Gaming in Madrake 9.0. 'kwkride' is ready to upgrade his video card and asks what people recommend for Linux gaming. Connecting from Linux to WindowsXP with Rdesktop. 'ASchiano' raises the topic of obtaining a remote Windows desktop connection from Linux. Few tips for MDK9.0 'Anonymous' posts a link to some "quick hacks" for improving fonts, installing Nvidia drivers, plus tutorials on installing Photopaint 9 and Ogle. Read these and other stories at MandrakeForum.