
Microsoft DRM Patent Could Revive Peer-to-Peer Music Nets

“This is significant because, while centralized music stores
like Apple’s iTunes have forsaken DRM, the Microsoft patent would
enable peer-to-peer networks to reemerge as viable, albeit
protected, content sources.

“The patent, number 7,594,275, is entitled simply, “Digital
rights management system.” Granted today (Sept. 22), it was filed
in October, 2003, which undercuts the implication in my
introduction, about why anyone would bother at this late date.

“In 2003, when Microsoft’s patent application was filed, the
whole “Web wants to be free” versus “evil corporations with their
DRM” argument was in full flower. That debate hasn’t been resolved
— if you ask me, there’s still no justification for people
stealing songs.”

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