[ Thanks to Paul
Eggert for this link. ]
“The Linux open source operating system had a banner year in
2000, gathering one endorsement after another from top industry
vendors – IBM, Dell Computer and Oracle among them. But still, even
with such heavy backing, Linux remains outside the enterprise
“Linux’ openness is one of many factors keeping Microsoft from
viewing Linux as a competitive threat in the large enterprise
market, says Doug Miller, group product director for the Windows
server market at Microsoft. But, Miller admits that Linux could cut
into Microsoft’s market share for lower-end systems.”
“Sunoco needs a Microsoft-like cookie-cutter approach to servers
and applications because it runs a lean support staff, McVaugh
says. ‘It comes down to training,’ he adds.”
“What would it take for McVaugh to move to Linux?”
“‘I guess Microsoft would have to sell it,’ he says.”