From: (Once Upon A MidNight Dreary….)
linux-in-libraries (lil) is an electronic mailing list concerned
with utilizing the Linux operating system in academic, public, and
special libraries. This is a new list, only recently organized, so
the range of topics and usual volume of discussion have yet to be
determined. We expect discussions to include, but not be limited
- installation and configuration of Linux servers
- security and network administration
- the use of Samba, sendmail, the Apache web server, and other
important Linux utilities - integrating Linux servers into diverse network configurations
(NT, Novell, etc.) - exchanges of experiences and solutions
- a forum for addressing technical issues, particularly those
distinct to library environments - a place to ask questions, make contacts and discover
lil is currently available in standard (message by message)
format. A digest format will be added as traffic and demand
warrant. We expect to maintain a list archive accessible via the
To subscribe:
Send an e-mail message to that
contains the single line:
subscribe linux-in-libraries
in the body of the message.
If for some reason you wish to have the mailings go to a
different address (a friend’s address, a specific other system on
which you have an account, or an address which is more correct than
the one that automatically appears in the “From:” header on the
mail you send), you would add that address to the command. For
instance, if you’re sending a request from your work account, but
wish to receive linux-in-libraries mail at your personal account
(for which we will use “” as an example), you’d
put the line:
subscribe linux-in-libraries
in the mail message body.