
New Site: Linux Video and DVD project

Thanks to Matthew R.
for this announcement.

“The goal is to bring support for video capture, tv out and dvd
playback to Linux. The primary focus will be with Matrox products,
but as the project grows, so will the supported hardware. The
Marvel, Rainbow Runner, TV Tuner and DVD module are all prime

“First order of business will be the DVD support, because we
have docs and its the coolest. Also on this site, there is very
pre-alpha work being done for the MJPEG encoder found on the Matrox
Marvel and Rainbow Runner. Its in cvs, module mgavideo. It is the
same chipset found on the LM33 module, so a lot of the driver can
be reused.

“I need lots of help. If you want to contribute, please contact

LiViD Project

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