
Novell vs. SCO and the fate of Unix is in a jury’s hands.

[ Thanks to Steven J.
for this link. ]

“I’ve given up on predicting when the zombie movie
series staring the undead SCO monster is finally going to stay
quietly in its grave Still, this week a jury is deciding whether
SCO or Novell owns Unix’s intellectual property rights.

“You may have thought that this was settled. Most of us who
followed SCO certainly thought that was a done deal. After all, the
matter of who owns Unix comes down to a fairly simple issue of
contract law and not some esoteric IP (intellectual property) legal
gymkhana. And, no matter how SCO sliced it, Judge Dale Kimball
decided that Novell owned Unix’s copyrights. Alas, another judge
decided last August that Kimball had had no right to make that call
and that a jury should decide who Unix’s copyrights instead.”


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