
One Laptop Per Child Alternative Linux OS

[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for
this link. ]

“Now, we do have Fedora 10 SD Cards for the XO which we
provide at the request of the Fedora Project and OLPC, however they
take a while to boot. It is also quite slow due to the limitations
of the XO, and the system can become unresponsive if you exhaust
the physical memory. I personally had the F10 SD Card on my XO for
a period of time, but eventually preferred to go without as opposed
to waiting for it to boot and being careful to only open one
application at a time.

“Karlie on the other hand has far less patience with her
computers, so the Fedora 10 SD Card just wasn’t a viable option. I
had seen some other operating system alternatives for the XO, but
they were either as stressing as the Fedora option, or were quite

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