
One Year Later: What Do You Think of Linux.com?

” This month marks the one-year anniversary of Linux.com in its
newest form. A year ago, we built the site based on your rankings
of features on IdeaForge. Today, we want to hear how you’re using
Linux.com and what is most useful. And perhaps even more
importantly – what isn’t useful. We also want to better
understand who is using the site so we can provide resources that
specifically meet your needs.

“So, we’re launching a short survey today to gather important
input on where we go from here. We will review the results at our
annual Linux.com Planning Meeting at the Collaboration Summit in
April where the 2010 Linux Gurus (to be announced shortly) will
review the findings and help us determine what’s next for the site.
Please take five minutes to fill out the 8-question Linux.com
Community Survey.”

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