“About a year and a half ago, I wrote an article for OSNews
about my experiences with Slackware 9.1. Today, I am happily using
Slackware-current (ISO snapshot from 12-23-04 -current snapshots
are out there if you look hard enough) as my server and my normal
desktop.“First, let me say, AGAIN, that I started out with Slackware
back in 1995, tried a bunch of other distros, and always ended up
back on Slack. Imagine my horror at Pat’s near-death experiences in
November! Pat, I’m glad you pulled through. I would’ve paid your
medical bills myself 🙂 Anyway, back to the article… Though I
keep trying other distributions just because I’m that kind of geek,
I always cuddle up with Slackware at the end of the day. This
article will discuss my experiences over the past year, what I’m
doing now, and more…”