
OSNews: Using Slackware Linux as a Live CD Toolbox

“Linux Live CD’s are very popular these days, especially since
the inception of Knoppix. Live CD’s are very useful as a plug and
play Linux systems for schools who want to use Linux beside their
normal operating system, but Live CD’s are also useful for demo-ing
Linux or to try if Linux works well on some machine. Another
advantage of Live CD’s is that it is more difficult to break
things, after rebooting the Live CD you will have a completely
fresh system…

“Those who bought an official Slackware Linux CD set already
have a Slackware Live CD. However, it is often more useful to make
a custom Live CD, which is tuned for some purpose. You can, for
example, make a CD-ROM which contains a live system and Open Office
(a full-featured office suite). In this document I will try to
explain the basics of making a Live CD…”


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