
OSNews: Why I Ditched MacOSX for Linux–A Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 Review

“I entered the world of Apple hardware about 3 months ago now,
with a second-hand iBook2. It was a 500mHz, 256mb, ATI Rage 128
model, with a standard CD-Rom drive. I spent the first few days
trying to tweak Mac OS X to my liking, then a few further weeks
installing and learning to use the applications I thought I’d need.
Chimera, BBEdit, the developer tools, even the Fink X server so I
could use Gaim.

“But OS X just wasn’t stacking up for me. For my uses, Mac OS X
isn’t all it claimed to be. I’d read the hype about OS X, indeed it
would have been pretty hard to miss. I was led to believe that
great swathes of Windows users (and a few Linux users) were biting
the bullet and changing to OS X because of it’s performance,
usability and stability. Maybe this situation is a little
exaggerated given the nature of the pro-Apple press, which will
pounce upon any morsel and claim that the Mac revolution had
finally arrived (albeit maybe 15 years too late). But eventually,
using OS X was, for me, a bit of an anti-climax.

“The graphics card that was incorporated in my iBook wasn’t up
to running the new QuartzExtreme features, so I had to make do with
standard 2D rendering. I experienced small amounts of graphical lag
right from the start with OS X…”


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