“Several days ago I wrote a rather scathing article about my
utter dismay and disappoint with Mandrake 9.1 and by association,
Linux as a whole. Since then I have had many many flames and
equally as many agreeing emails (is there a simple opposite word
for flame?) Since then I have been trying, really really trying to
get my system working fully. But time and again I’m coming up
against the same brick wall of (un)usability, computer esotericism
and down right idiocy.“My last article was written shortly after I’d spent a day and a
half pulling my hair out trying to get Mandrake to work
satisfactorily, it was written undeniably in the heat of the moment
and right on the cusp of me removing Mandrake’s EXT2 partition and
never touching any form of Linux again. However against my better
judgment I decided to leave it installed–after all I’m determined
that this will NOT beat me. (I actually did nuke the partition and
reinstall it)…”
Related Story:
Reviews of Mandrake Linux 9.1(Mar 31, 2003)