[ Thanks to Kelly
McNeill for this link. ]
What do TV/VCR combos have to do with the death of the Indrema?
This osOpinion column maintains that the console failed to do one
thing and do it well and that’s what killed it.
“Despite the Indrema device’s usage of a flexible, cheap, *free*
and stable operating system, its availability was not to be. I have
a theory why that is the case. Hopefully, someone employed in the
industry will learn something from it.”
“Any hi-fi guru will tell you: Hardware that tries to be
multifaceted — DVD player/video player/TV/coffee maker — never
creates a reliable foundation for a product strategy, as these
types of all-in-one devices rarely, if ever, employ the best
technologies for each of the products they incorporate. At least
one component in these machines will almost certainly be