“Why not? Now that Linux is taking off, why not Linux Software
Certified Engineers? I think it would be a good idea. With the fact
that Microsoft has its own certification courses, Why shouldn’t the
Linux community have them?”
“With all the different versions of the OS out there you would
need someone to be able to take the big step and know them all and
be certified on them. Most people would dis-agree with me, I know
that. They would say the OS is a free OS why pay to learn about it
in a college? Why Not? Think about it. To be able to say “I am
certified to run and administer Linux servers and
“I know it sounds like a cry to the wind, but Microsoft started
without many people knowing their OS, yet you still have to take a
class in college to be a Certified Engineer of Microsoft products.
Think about how many people are MSCE. Can’t get a good number? Put
it this way, there is more support for Microsoft products and/or
Hardware than there are voters in the state of California and Texas
combined. That is a lot.”