[ Thanks to Kelly
McNeill for this link. ]
“I just found the ultimate comedy site… That’s right…
“Linux Myths.” (notice the exclusive .asp tag…) Well, it’s
pretty darned funny from this Penguinista’s point of view, anyway.
The sad part is, there are most likely a gaggle of sysadmins out
there who probably don’t know any better, and are even swallowing
this MS-bourne tissue of lies and deception whole. To those who
know better, please head for that page and enjoy the show – I
guarantee you’ll laugh yourself silly. To the less knowledgeable
among us, I would like to take this opportunity to clear out that
mountain of FUD that MS seems to have dumped upon the fruited
plains of IT… (Quotes taken from the MS website as needed. You
wouldn’t believe the indignities I had to endure, both personally
and from my colleagues, just to read that particular MS Active
Server Page…)”
“The First FUD: “Windows NT 4.0 Outperforms Linux On Common
Customer Workloads.” Oh really?…”