
osOpinion: The Right to Bear Silicon: Dismounted Drill Tactics and Real OS’s

[ Thanks to Kelly
for this link. ]

“The problems and strategies of Operating Systems may seem far
removed from military strategy, but all that Drill and Ceremony
training I got in the service actually lent insight into
distinguishing the difference between an actual Operating System,
like Linux, and other Unixen, and an information delivery control
and filtering device, like the products made and sold by Microsoft

“Microsoft’s Battle plan to attack Open Source and Internet
protocols and Linux as laid out in The Halloween memos is only the
most disturbing and threatening salvo to be fired in a while.
Judging from the current status of Kereberos, and given the DMCA
and the tolerance of the courts for this nonsense, MS’s insidious
battle plan seems to be working. This might seem inauspicious at
the moment, but it will backfire, so I’m not too worried about
these transitory thrashings emanating from Microsoft….”

“After all, I extend my information, my thoughts, my ideas, and
my contacts with friends and colleagues, all of it, through the
medium of my general purpose PC. That’s why Linux is essential.
It gives me that control over my information, in an open way that
is understandable and whose design is openly peer reviewed in
public. It is designed for use, and results without impediment, by
and for a human individual.
One at a time, individuals have
contributed to the open codebase It wasn’t designed so that some
entity external to my body can control my access to ANY data or

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