[ Thanks to Kelly
McNeill for this link. ]
“Just when you thought it was safe to call yourself an OS/2 user
again…. YADA YADA YADA. Yet Another Death Announcement. It seems
like old times, doesn’t it? Four years ago, we didn’t have a
full-fledged, native OS/2 office suite from Lotus, but now we do.
Four years ago, we didn’t have Papyrus Office for OS/2, but now we
do. Four years ago, we didn’t have Netscape Communicator 4.61 for
OS/2, but now we do…”
“People, real everyday people, use OS/2. Since OS/2 is not the
default, monopoly preload on computers, people use OS/2 by choice.
People, real everyday people, program for OS/2. Hot-shot coders
like Bill Schindler, John Urbaniak, and the members of the Mozilla
and Communicator projects write native OS/2 stuff, as do thousands
of other smarties.”
“IBM has committed long-term to OS/2. They may not want to
*call* it OS/2, because of the bad reputation and phony “death
threats” from the PC media wonks, but it’s still OS/2. IBM may call
it “thin client” or “network computing” or “LAN client”, but we are
not fooled. It’s OS/2 through and through. … We really are
spoiled. What other commercial operating system, costing over $100
a pop, has the quality of free support that we have gotten from IBM
for the past four years? Nobody does it better.”