[ Thanks to Kelly
McNeill for this link. ]
“I’ve thought about the BSD License and GPL, and I’ve concluded
that BSD is the most free intellectual license around. BSD allows
anyone the freedom of doing whatever one wishes with BSD code. BSD
allows reward through money from proprietary work or the zero cost
to great software. I also like the GPL because I can get good stuff
for free, but BSD also does the same. The programming language
Eiffel is available under both licenses (at tucows). BSD and GPL
are good for consumers, particularly students and developing
countries. Entrepreneurs who provide great software need payment
for that work to make a living. GPL reminds me of the hippie
movement and its idealism….”
“The GPL is ahead of its time. Perhaps the interest in GPL
software and Wall Streets frenzy over Linux stocks will wane if
pure Linux companies can’t earn the expected profits that inflated
their Initial Public Offerings, or if amateur developers, like the
hippies (who became yuppies), get frustrated and jaded over money
they could have earned and someone else is earning off their
work. I’m certain the GPL is here to stay and will always be
the interest of hackers and students developing portfolios of GPL
contributions to present to future employers. When the day comes
for that Star Trek economy, the GPL may be the one and only