
Paul Frields on Fedora 12 and Beyond

“What is the general sentiment amongst the team, two months
after the launch of Fedora 12 — how has the community’s
response been like, what are the hit features, and what are the
ideas for further improvement that have come about?

“Uptake of Fedora 12 has been very good overall. There have been
a number of very visible improvements in free video drivers for ATI
and Intel that make for a better experience out of the box. Those
improvements allow users to make use of 3D effects on the desktop,
as well as kernel mode setting for an attractive and smooth boot
experience. The free Nouveau driver for NVIDIA cards has also
greatly improved to allow kernel mode setting, and Fedora continues
to contribute to moving that driver forward to support features
like 3D.

“A very visible set of features came with the fit-and-finish
improvements in the user desktop. Menu cleanups, better icon
spacing, a new notification engine, improved tooltips, consistent
ordering of status icons, and a fresh and usable desktop background
were just some of the improvements. These improvements result in a
generally more pleasant user experience on the desktop, from which
everyone benefits. An in-depth interview about those features is
found here.”

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