
PDF Import and Hybrid PDFs as a New Extension

[ Thanks to Andrew Ziem for this link.

“Now available for testing is the PDF import extension, which
also includes hybrid PDF-ODF export. PDFs are designed for layout
instead of for further editing, so when a word processor,
spreadsheet, or presentation application exports to a PDF, the
layout and document structure are lost. To avoid disappointment,
you must keep in mind creating a PDF is not a reversible process
because of the limitations of PDF as a format.

“Implementations may either favor editing or layout. This
extension’s current implementation favors layout, so it imports
PDFs into Draw. Keeping all that in mind, this extension still has
many uses such as adding annotation, filling out forms, making
minor edits, using a PDF as a picture, and reusing PDFs for which
the original source is lost. Because of the limitations of PDFs,
these uses may not be completely painless…”

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