[ Thanks for this link to Brent Toderash, who notes:
“Penguinista doesn’t normally do movie reviews, but we thought that
Antitrust was worthy of our attention.” ]
“Well, I’ve anticipated seeing this flick, so we settled down in
the theatre over the weekend to view it. We chose the least popular
theatre in the city in which the film was playing (also the
cheapest) – but were still surprised that the theatre was nearly
empty – chalk this up to the location rather than the movie, but it
still promises not to be a blockbuster. We did note a rather high
percentage of people sticking around to read the credits: I
presumed we were all looking for a few certain names… more on
that later.”
“From the outset, of course, you know you’re looking at the
good guys – but you don’t quite know how much you’re going to like
them… until one of them walks on screen wearing a T-shirt that
says simply, “code poet.” The character in question, Teddy
Chin, is the most avid Open Source advocate of the group.
Sadly, the movie only gives you about five minutes in this
setting, in total – the rest must be on the cutting-room
“What do I say about the plot? These days a movie trailer gives
you most of it anyhow. Is this one genius? No, it’s too
predictable, and just a bit too unbelievable. Gary’s NURV has
announced the launch of Synapse, a sattellite network which will
link all communications devices on the planet (since there’s only
42 days to launch, he hires Milo to make the deadline). To
accommodate this, NURV has for years been leaving a backdoor in
thier OS for Synapse. Oddly, Milo takes this much in stride despite
his Open Source background. He eventually does begin to discover
more sinister things going on at NURV, and that, he’s alarmed
about. He determines to bring them down, but the problem is knowing
who to trust. Don’t hang your hat on a terriffic plot – it’s an
interresting little story, it’s not destined for cinematic
greatness… the plot has holes you could drive a truck through,
and it gets annoying that Gary checks Milo’s work by looking over
his shoulder at a code snippet for a few seconds, without
scrolling, and proclaiming Milo’s good work. IMDB only rates it