
Penguins Find A Way

Dean Pannell (a.k.a.

Yeah, yeah. It ain’t Linux. But it is penguins, and it is
thousands of volunteers persevering in the face of terrible danger.
It’s also too cute for words.

The picture shows a couple of penguin mannequins that have been
outfitted with examples of knit jerseys made by volunteer knitters
to protect Australian fairy penguins from the effects of ingesting
oil from an oil spill.

Those penguins. Just can’t kill ’em.

From the BBC report:

“A consignment of emergency woolly jumpers have been
sent to the Australian island of Tasmania to help protect a colony
of penguins from oil spills.

Hundreds of volunteers started knitting when a conservation
group warned that Australia’s population of fairy penguins – also
known as little blue penguins – was under threat.”


The BBC’s story

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