
Phoronix: ATI 8.25.18 Display Drivers

[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for
this link. ]

“After months of negative scrutiny by the Linux community, on
April 12 of this year ATI Technologies had finally delivered its
Radeon X1000 series Linux support. Shipping in the fglrx v8.24.8
display drivers was complete support for the Radeon X1000
series–including the various Mobility chips. While the Linux
support had come months after the Windows CATALYST announcement,
ATI had done a suitable job implementing such support, compared
against NVIDIA’s same-day 7800GTX drivers that had initially
contained performance-limiting problems. Missing, however, was
support for TV-out on these new X1000 Linux solutions. Today the
tides have turned yet again as ATI prepares to deliver its 8.25.18
fglrx Linux display driver, which is part of the ATI CATALYST
suite, and was two weeks later than its usual release

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