
PHPBuilder: Templates, The PHPLIB Way

It’s Not FastTemplates

So, do we really need another article on PHPBuilder about
using templates? Well, yes, because there is more than one way to
do templates with PHP.
Sascha’s article talks about using
FastTemplates, but the PHP Base
(“PHPLIB”) has its own implementation of templates.

So how are they different? FastTemplates was originally a Perl
library that was ported to PHP. FastTemplates works well for Perl
programs, but it’s not ideal for PHP. Kristian Koehntopp wrote
PHPLIB Template from the ground up as a pure PHP library to better
take advantage of the capabilities of PHP. One advantage to
Kristian’s design is that it parses templates with preg_replace(),
which is said to be faster than FastTemplate’s reliance on
ereg_replace(). Another advantage of PHPLIB Template is it allows
dynamic blocks to be nested, unlike FastTemplates.

Both libraries do have a very similar set of features and
capabilities, but if you are already using FastTemplates and you
want to learn to use PHPLIB Template, you should start by trying to
forget everything you know about using FastTemplates. Their
features may be similar, but PHPLIB Template does everything just a
little differently than FastTemplates.

Let’s start with a cheesy example with some sample code. We’ll
assume that there is a template in the /home/mydir/mytemplates/
named MyTemplate.ihtml that has some text that reads something like

Congratulations! You won a new {some_color} Honda Prelude!

Notice that “{some_color}” has curly braces around it. The curly
braces indicate that some_color is a template variable. We may want
to write a PHP script that will load the template, insert the value
of the PHP variable $my_color where the {some_color} template
variable tag is, and then output the new text. If $my_color happens
to be set to “blue”, the final output should look like:

Congratulations! You won a new blue Honda Prelude!

Here’s the PHP script that will do just that:


include “template.inc”;

$my_color = “blue”;
// we’ll use this

$t = new Template(“/home/mydir/mytemplates/”);
// create a template object named $t
// set MyFileHandle = our template

// set template variable some_color = $my_color

// set template variable MyOutput = parsed

// output the value of MyOutput (our parsed


The first line is an include command to give you PHPLIB Template
functionality. Of course PHPLIB does a lot more than templates, but
if you only want to use the template feature just include
template.inc (template.inc is one of the files that comes with
PHPLIB). PHPLIB Template uses object-oriented programming, so the
next thing we do is create a Template object. The code
<? $t = new Template(“/home/mydir/mytemplates/”);
creates a new Template object $t. This $t object
will be your handle for accessing all of the template functions for
the rest of the PHP script. If you wanted to, you could create
additional Template objects (each with their out template variable
namespace), but one is usually all you need. The path
(“/home/mydir/mytemplates/”) in the Template constructor call sets
the root path where your templates are located, but if you leave it
out it defaults to the same directory as your PHP script.

Then we call set_file() to define a handle “MyFileHandle” linked
to MyTemplate.ihtml (the template isn’t actually loaded until
parse() is called). By the way, the .ihtml extension of the
template filename is customary for PHPLIB templates, but you can
use .html, .tpl, or any other extension. Then we call set_var() to
set the template variable some_color to the value of $my_color
(which is “blue”), which means that all occurrences of {some_color}
in the template will be replaced with the word blue when we call

And then we call parse(), which parses MyFileHandle by loading
MyFileHandle (MyTemplate.ihtml) and replacing any template
variables (“{some_variable}”) with their template variable values,
and the resulting parsed text is placed in MyOutput. Nothing is
output to the webserver until p(“MyOutput”) is called, which
outputs the final parsed text.

A neat feature of the parse() function is that the MyOutput handle
that it created is actually a template variable, just as some_color
is a template variable. So if you have another template with a
{MyOutput} tag, when you parse that second template, all of the
{MyOutput} tags will be replaced with the parsed text from
MyOutput. This lets you embed the text of one template file into
another template. So, we could have another template called
wholePage.ihtml that contains the text:

Sorry you didn’t win. But if you had won, we would have told
you: {MyOutput}

And after wholePage.ihtml is parsed, the final output would

Sorry you didn’t win. But if you had won, we would have told
you: Congratulations! You won a new blue Honda Prelude!

Here is the PHP code to parse both templates:


$t = new Template(“/home/mydir/mytemplates/”);

// These three lines are the same
as the first example:

// (Note that we don’t call p()
//here, so nothing gets output

// Now parse a second

// wholePage.ihtml has “{MyOutput}” in

// All {MyOutput}’s get replaced
// output the value of MyFinalOutput


The last two lines with calls to parse() and p() can actually be
combined using the shorthand function pparse() by replacing the
last two lines with

<?php pparse(“MyFinalOutput”,“SecondHandle”); ?>

Another feature of PHPLIB Template is that the functions
set_file() and set_var() can also accept multiple sets of values at
a time by passing an array of handle/value pairs. Here are


“pageOneHandle” =>
“pageTwoHandle” =>

“last_name” =>
“first_name” =>
“net_worth” =>


Appending Template Text

There is also a third parameter that you can pass to parse() and
pparse() if you want to append data to the template variable rather
than overwrite it. Simply call parse() or pparse() with the third
parameter as true, such as

<?php $t->parse(“MyOutput”,“MyFileHandle”, true); ?>

If MyOutput already contains data, MyFileHandle will be parsed
and appended onto the existing data in MyOutput. This technique is
useful if you have a template where you want the same text to be
repeated multiple times, such as listing multiple rows of results
from a database query. You could also display the variables in an
array, such as in this example:


$t = new Template(“/home/mydir/mytemplates/”);

“mainpage” =>
“each_element” =>


while (list($elementName,
$elementValue) = each($myArray)) {

// Set ‘value’ and ‘name’ to each
element’s value and name:


// Append copies of




This example uses two templates, mainpage.ihtml and
each_element.ihtml. The mainpage.ihtml template could look
something like this:

Here is the array:

The {array_elements} tag above will be replaced with copies of
each_element.ihtml, which is repeated for each element of the array
($myArray). The each_element.ihtml template might look like

<TD>{name}: {value}</TD>

The result is a nicely formatted table of the elements of
$myArray. But wouldn’t it be nice if these two templates could be
combined into one template file? In fact, they can be combined
using template blocks. Template blocks let you extract a block of
text from a template so you can repeat it multiple times, or do
anything else you would like with it. But I’ll save that feature
for another article.

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