
Planèté Béranger: 30 Days In GNOME vs. 3 Days In KDE

“I haven’t been using KDE since the early summer of 2005, except
for a few very brief sessions of 2-3 minutes (‘just to see how it
looks like nowadays’). I don’t even install KDE with Debian,
although I installed it with CentOS, Mandriva and Slackware.
Unfortunately, KDE is needed for some applications, say the
Umbrello UML Modeller.

“At the end of 2006, I prepared myself for a ‘survival
experiment.’ Using a fresh Slackware 11 install (on the laptop), I
decided not to touch my home desktop for a week (which features
GNOME under Debian testing-unstable, and was still up and running
for routing purposes), and only use WindowMaker (with ROX-Filer for
a more pleasant experience) the whole week, as a way to make me
‘forget’ my typical GNOME habits…”


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