“COMDEX/Spring and WINDOWS WORLD Opens with a Bang on April 19
when Bill Gates Previews Windows 2000 and Linus Torvalds Keynotes
the Linux Global Summit.”
“In IT’s most controversial moment of the year, Linus Torvalds,
founder of the Linux Operating System, and Bill Gates, founder of
the Windows Operating System, will speak at COMDEX/Spring and
WINDOWS WORLD ’99. Mr. Gates and Mr. Torvalds will give attendees a
complete view of their operating system options as each speaker
highlights the benefits, strengths and value of their competing
operating system. Microsoft faithful, as well as the Linux legions,
are expected to attend, to create a lively atmosphere for both
“Following Mr. Gates’ keynote … Linus Torvalds, the founder of
the Linux Operating Systems, will answer Mr. Gates in the second
keynote of the day.”