“Last week we learned a bit about the chaotic jumble that is
audio on Linux, and about the new PulseAudio sound server that just
may create bit of order, and perhaps some more user-friendliness.
Several Linux distributions default to using PulseAudio, such as
Fedora, Ubuntu Hardy Heron, and Mandriva. Many others now include
it in their software repositories, or you can follow this guide for
installing the latest version from source code.“Application support for PulseAudio is not quite complete.
Notable problem applications are Skype, Flash Player, and Real
Player. I shall refrain from my usual sarcastic commentary on the
inability of the vendors of closed, proprietary applications to
keep pace with FOSS development, because a person should exhibit a
bit of class now and then, however insincere. Visit The Perfect
Setup for instructions on getting these to work…”