“If you’re buying a new netbook for this holiday season, odds
are that it will be loaded with Windows 7 Starter Edition. While
many users will be happy with Microsoft’s new OS, others might balk
at the limitations that this version includes — for example, you
won’t be able to change your desktop background, and it doesn’t
include Windows Media Center. And it may even add a bit to the cost
of the device.“So what are your alternatives?
“Well, you can ask your vendor to install old, faithful Windows
XP. You can wait to see what OS Google eventually comes up with.
Or, if you want to bypass the major vendors, there are several
operating systems built upon Linux you can download now for free
and install on your netbook. In this round-up, I take a look at
three alternative netbook operating systems: Ubuntu Netbook Remix
(from Canonical Ltd.), Moblin (from The Linux Foundation) and
Jolicloud (an upcoming spin-off of UNR which, as of this writing,
has yet to be officially released). I evaluate their ease of
installation, usefulness, and whether they might breathe new life
into your netbook.”
Review: 3 free Linux alternatives for your netbook
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