
Ripping Audio CDs in Linux

“Since one of these non-free formats is MP3, the most popular
format for online music, that means you have to add the support
yourself. The details for this task vary greatly depending on your
distribution, but you should be able to find detailed instructions
online without any problem, such as the ones provided by

“Alternatively, you may prefer to use free formats such as Ogg
Vorbis (.OGG). The main drawback to such formats is that they are
not supported by every music player. But an increasing number of
players do support free formats, most notably the Sansa Clip and
Fuze. If you want to use free formats with an iPod, you might
consider installing Rockbox on it. But many people maintain that
.OGG delivers superior sound quality to .MP3, so you may find that
the occasional awkwardness of staying with it is well worth the

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