
San Jose Mercury News: Microsoft Exec Took Aim at Linux Worldwide, Memo Reveals

[ Thanks to ll for this
link. ]

“Last summer, Orlando Ayala, then in charge of worldwide sales
at Microsoft, sent an e-mail message titled ‘Microsoft
Confidential’ to senior managers laying out a company strategy to
dissuade governments across the globe from choosing cheaper
alternatives to the ubiquitous Windows computer software

“Ayala’s message told executives that if a deal involving
governments or large institutions looked doomed, they were
authorized to draw from a special fund to offer the software at a
steep discount or even free if necessary. Steven A. Ballmer,
Microsoft’s chief executive, was sent a copy of the e-mail

“The memo specifically mentioned Linux, a still small but
emerging software competitor that is not owned by any specific
company. ‘Under NO circumstances lose against Linux,’ Ayala


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