“There is nothing worse when setting up a website than having to
build some complicated method of viewing and updating the
information on the site. There are lots of solutions–using a local
copy, using a combination of HTTP and FTP tools to download the
original and upload the changes and of course the full-blown
dynamic/content managed system that provides that nice cuddly front
end for you to enter the information into.“In order to simplify the way you update websites, WebDAV was
invented. Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)
uses extensions to the existing HTTP protocol to enable multiple
users to manage and modify the files in a remote system. Using
suitably enabled clients you can view, open, edit and save files
directly into the filesystem of the Web site as it were of a remote
website.“There are some obvious immediate benefits of this, not least of
which the ability to edit the website without jumping through too
many hoops, but it’s the inventive use of the technology beyond
editing a remote website that has lead to a recent explosion in
interest of WebDAV…”
ServerWatch: Enabling WebDAV on Apache
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