[ Thanks to Alana
Vigdorchick for this announcment. ]
This month’s issue examines the future of embedded Linux.
Considering recent predictions of 55 million portable devices by
2002, the question seems highly relevant: will Linux prosper
outside the desktop?
We also take you on a guided tour of available operating systems
for a small business. What’s the best one for you? By taking an
unbiased view of the advantages and disadvantages of Macintosh,
Linux, and Windows, Mike Omand provides you with helpful
information on choosing the operating system that best suits your
Alex Boppin answers your many questions regarding how to set up
a printer under Linux, as well as how to access the Napster online
music community under Linux.
Allan Dante walks you through a step by step guide on installing
and configuring xfstt, a TrueType font server that will allow you
to use TrueType fonts in Linux.
Andrew Yates takes you with him on his Linux newbie
rollercoaster, as this month he discovers StarOffice.
Next tell us what you think would happen if our ‘What If’ did
happen. This month we look at what might happen if a major company
like Time Warner took over the now dwindling Corel Corporation.
Read about Rico Sanchez’ adventure with Lyx, and learn more
about the games of Gnome.
These are just a few of the topic we cover in this month’s issue
of ShowMeLinux. News, events, site reviews, editorials, and more
articles await you at www.showmelinux.com.
Please send article submission, ideas, critiques, praise, and
overall suggestions to info@showmelinux.com.