
Smart Partner: When Will Jackson’s Ruling Affect Microsoft? NOW.

“The changes are already happening. … The call also has
got venture capitalists taking a long, hard look at non-Microsoft
operating systems and applications. Venture capitalists on both
coasts say that they’re looking seriously as companies that produce
alternate operating systems and office suites.”

“It’s more than just venture capitalists. Have you noticed that,
despite bad news out of Corel, Linuxcare and TurboLinux, the Linux
companies have come out of their stock price dive and have leveled
off, and in some cases, are actually rising again? Why? Because
savvy stock buyers are buying a hedge against the day that
Microsoft faces its opponents on a leveler playing field.”

“A big reason why people are making these moves, however,
has to do with Microsoft’s near future. In 90 days, unless
Microsoft can pull a stay out of its judicial hat, Jackson’s
conduct remedies hit. And, from where I sit, they’re going to hit
Microsoft harder than Muhammad Ali in his prime.”


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