“It’s a relaxed entry this time, an update on some recent
happenings in the Linux audio world. Without further preamble,
let’s take a look at some of the good things going on there.“I love my 64-bit machine. It’s fast and stable, and I can run
all my favorite sound and music software on it (largely thanks to
the work of the 64Studio team, a.k.a. Daniel James and Free
Ekayanaka). Alas, some software awaits being ported to 64-bit
versions, including Adobe’s ubiquitous Flash technology. I had
thought my machine was doomed to life without YouTube and Homestar
Runner, but recently I discovered Gwenole Beauchesne’s
nspluginwrapper. This little program performs a neat trick: It
convinces 64-bit Mozilla/Firefox that the browser can handle a
32-bit helper application (such as Flash) with the same
transparency as the true 32-bit Firefox…”