
SubscribNews Alert: Red Hat: From Black Sheep to Industry Darling

“I have noticed a growing concern amongst members of the Linux
community about Red Hat’s rising dominance. I am sure that for an
increasing percent of the population, Red Hat IS Linux. That’s how
strong the marketing and press coverage has been. The question is,
what are the potential ramifications of an all Red Hat Linux

“Don’t get me wrong. I am not discounting the power of SuSE,
Caldera, and Pacific HiTech, among others. But to argue that Red
Hat doesn’t have a clear and early lead over these vendors is
essentially wishful thinking. Red Hat, through clever marketing and
business development initiatives, has clearly vaulted ahead of the
pack in the mind of the public. What does that mean for the future
of Linux?”

“I have a feeling Red Hat executives may be studying Netscape’s
example closely to see if they can work the fine line between
wanting world domination and staying true to their roots.”


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