
SUSE.com: UnitedLinux – Investment Security for Users and Providers

[ Thanks to omar
for this link. ]

“The schedule until the first release of UnitedLinux has already
been determined. Following an alpha version for initial tests, all
interfaces will be “frozen” in the beta phase as of mid-August;
from mid-September until the first release of version 1.0 in
November, the work will only concentrate on improving the
stability. UnitedLinux 2.0 is scheduled for the fourth quarter of
2003. Although UnitedLinux is developed by a multi-company team,
the operating system as well as additional software solutions and
services will be offered and marketed by the individual UnitedLinux
partners using their own brand names.

“UnitedLinux 1.0 will support the File Hierarchy Standard 2.2
which regulates the uniform order of the system files in the
directory structure. The Linux Standard Base, too, is implemented,
ensuring a uniform environment for Linux applications. For this
purpose, the standard defines a directory structure, standard
libraries, the boot process, and the file format of binaries. The
LSB ruling explicitly draws on older standards such as the X11
protocol and the Posix 1 standard.

“Li18nux 1.0 assists application developers in
internationalizing their programs. The peculiar designation derives
from the widely used abbreviation I18N: the letters ‘i’ and ‘n’ of
‘internationalization’ are separated by 18 letters. Additionally,
some Linux-independent standards are also adhered to, such as
Extensible Markup Language (XML), Simple Object Access Protocol
(Soap), and Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)…”

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