
SUSE Studio is powerful OS instance builder

[ Thanks to An Anonymous Reader for
this link. ]

“We first saw SUSE Studio in beta at VMWorld in 2008, a
skunkworks tool for building SUSE instances. It’s come a long way
since then. Watch a slideshow of what we loved and hated about SUSE

“Today, Novell’s SUSE Studio is a Web-based virtual
appliance/ISO image creator using SUSE Linux. It has no parallels
that we can find for building operating systems instances.

“Novell supplies Studio users with a 15GB online playground to
make instances. You’re not limited to just CD/DVD results, and you
can see the work you’ve done online — then download it or
even execute it online.

“Once built, operating system combinations can be output as ISO
images, virtual machine images for VMware, or other forms of the
combos you build of the actual SUSE servers. The provisioning
capabilities of Studio are profound.”

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