
Sydney Morning Herald: SCO Using Scare Tactics to Get Licensing Fees: FSF Chief

“Bradley Kuhn, executive director of the Free Software
Foundation, has accused the SCO Group of using scare tactics to
convince companies to pay them licensing fees and/or support their
suit against IBM…

“SCO last week warned commercial Linux users that they may be in
violation of its copyright, following the filing of a case against
IBM in March for ‘misappropriation of trade secrets, tortious
interference, unfair competition and breach of contract.’

“Contacted by email for his comments on the recent moves against
Linux by SCO, Kuhn said: ‘SCO was not merely a distributor of the
kernel named Linux; they were the distributor off the entire
GNU/Linux system, which includes Linux as well as the core
components of the GNU operating system, such as glibc, GCC, GDB,


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