
Tech Tip: Automaticaly Organize Your Photos by Date

“After my digital camera fills up with pictures, usually after a
few weeks or months, I download them to my Ubuntu system. Usually
they all end up in one directory. I find it more helpful to sort
the image files by the date they were taken: most of the time I
want to geotag them and usually photos that were taken on the same
day are likely to have been taken in the same location also.

“The following short script goes through the .jpg files in the
current directory and gets the date stored within each image. It
then creates a directory corresponding to the date (in case it
doesn’t exist) in the format year/month/day (all numeric) and
copies the image into that directory. So for example, a photo
called IMG_001.jpg taken on July 4th 2009 will end up under the
path 2009/07/04/IMG_001.jpg.”

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