
TechWeb: Dell To Pre-Install Red Hat Linux On Servers

The pact gives Dell and Red Hat a big boost in the Linux-
and Unix-powered server markets. It also potentially opens new
channels for Linux to capture more market share.

“We see significant immediate market opportunity for Linux in
high-volume spaces, including the Internet appliance space and in
general-purpose servers at the front end of the Internet
infrastructure,” said Michael Lambert, senior vice president of the
enterprise systems group at Dell, Round Rock, Texas. “We see an
immediate opportunity to take away business from Sun Solaris and
other Unix variations of the front-end of the Internet

“Under the Dell/Red Hat pact, service calls initially will be
fielded by Dell, which will determine whether the call requires
hardware or software attention, said a spokeswoman for Dell. The
service and support infrastructure, however, will come largely from
Red Hat, Durham, N.C.”


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