
Text of FBI ‘Melissa’ warning

“Issued by the FBI and the National Infrastructure Protection
Center on Sunday, March 28, 1999.”

“The National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) was
notified on March 26, 1999, of the proliferation of a computer
virus known as the “Melissa Macro Virus” (MMV). There have been
widespread reports of propagation of this virus into commercial,
government and military e-mail gateways and systems. The MMV has
the capability of causing a denial of service and degraded computer
network performance, which could result in system administrators’
having to shut-down affected networks and e-mail servers.”

“The MMV has significant potential to cause more-widespread harm
than it has to date. In an effort to reduce the impact of the MMV
on computer networks, users can take several actions…”


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