“I’ve been running Linux on PCs since 1998, when Red Hat
still cared about the desktop and Mandrake was supposed to be the
distribution that was going to bring Linux to the masses. That was
also about the time that the mainstream media got infatuated with
the story of the free operating system from the Finnish hacker that
was going to bring down Microsoft Windows.“Spoiler alert: I’m going to give away the ending now. It
never happened. In the decade since it was first proclaimed as the
“Windows killer,” Linux on the desktop has made
virtually no progress in real adoption numbers. According to market
share trackers (based on real PC activity and not just sales) such
Net Applications, StatCounter, W3Counter, and others, the market
share of Linux has been hovering around just 1-2% of total PC
operating system installations for a decade.”
The market has rejected Linux desktops. Get over it.
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