
Three things the iPad is, and isn’t

[ Thanks to Steven J.
for this link. ]

“I’ve been playing with the iPad for a while now, and I
quite like it. But, I’ve also noticed that there’s a lot of
misconceptions about what the iPad is, and isn’t.

“1. The iPad is the greatest new tech device ever! / The iPad is
an ancient idea. Some would claim that the iPad’s concept is
38-years old. Sure, the idea of an iPad is ancient. I’ve been using
Fujitsu tablets off and on for over a decade. And, I’ve been
fiddling with touch computing for even longer. So what?

“You can argue that cars go back to 1769. And, if one-off
experimental vehicles don’t work for you, by the 1880s two guys
named Daimler and Benz were producing cars. But, it wasn’t until
Henry Ford combined advanced technology and the production line to
start turning out Model T Fords in 1908 that cars become
commonplace. The iPad, ladies and gents, is the Model T of tablet

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